Relieved to be back in person
‘We are excited’ to be fully back and in person, says John Strough, the Queensbury Town Supervisor and co-organizer of the Glens Falls-Queensbury Memorial Day Commemoration.
After two Covid years of cancelled, limited or virtual events to mark Memorial Day, most communities are back with their traditional Memorial Day events, honoring those members of the military who sacrificed their lives in service to our country. Here’s some of what is planned this year in our region. If we missed an event, please let us know so we can include it next year.

South Glens Falls: Parade, 6 p.m., on Main Street from intersection with McHugh Street to 5th St. Proceeding on 5th Street to Veterans Memorial Park for ceremony at approximately 7 p.m. Guest speaker is Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner. Performances by South Glens Falls marching band, a capella group Vocal Point, Galloway Gaelic Pipe Band.
Grand marshall is Ken Williams, Korean War veteran.
Also, Cookout at Moreau Community Center, 4 to 6 p.m. “Bring a chair, stay to watch the parade.”
Greenwich: Parade beginning with Naval Ceremony, 5:30 p.m. at bridge over Battenkill River on Route 372, traveling along Main Street and ending at VFW on Abeel Avenue for ceremony and cookout.
Lake George: Parade, 12 p.m., from West Brook Road up Beach Road, then north on Canada Street to Shepard Park for ceremony.
Hague: Parade, 2 p.m., from Route 8 to Hague Town Park on 9N. Grand Marshal is Walt Waters. Senior of the Year is Tim Costello. Followed by Memorial Dedication Service at Hague Town Park with speaker James O’Toole, retired U.S. Army Brigadier General.
Also, Funfest at Hague Town Park, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., with craft fair, white elephant sale, games, bounce house, food concessions, karaoke and Penelope the Clown. Concert by Cambridge Band at 12:30.
Fort Ticonderoga: Parade and ceremony, 11:30 a.m., led by the Fife & Drum Corps, commemorates the many soldiers who lost their lives at Fort Ticonderoga in the French & Indian War and the American Revolution. Fort open from 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. with reenactors, historians and activities. Carillon boat tours on Saturday and Sunday, other events throughout the weekend. Admission required: $25 for adults, $23 seniors, $13 children 5-15, under 4 free. 10% discount to active duty military members. 1-Day admission grants visitors admission the next day for free. Info: 585-2821.
Troy: Bell Ringing and Wreath Laying Ceremony, 9 a.m., at Oakwood Cemetery. Ringing of the Meneely Bell, wreath laying by Friends of Oakwood Cemetery and Veterans of Lansingburgh in honor of deceased veterans, and a musket salute by Representatives of the NYS 125th reenactors. Master of Ceremonies is Michael Barrett, historian Robert Mulligan will speak. Nikki Osterhout will sing the national anthem. Admission is free. Rain location: Earl Chapel.
Saratoga National Cemetery (200 Duell Road, Schuylerville): Ceremony, 11 a.m. at the assembly area at the main flag pole. “Remember and honor the men and women who gave their lives in military service to a grateful nation.”
Note: Arrive early. There is only one entrance and cars may get backed up.
Glens Falls/Queensbury: Parade, 10 a.m. in Glens Falls, on Glen Street from Maple Street north to Crandall Park. Followed by ceremony at the Victory & Peace Monument, introduced by vintage airplane flyover.
Rain location is Glens Falls Recreation Center at 1 Fire Road.
Grand Marshals are Dexter Campbell, Cecily Geraghty and Lawrence DeMass. Keynote speaker is Michael Hoag, NYS Veterans of Foreign Wars Commander. Reading of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address by Glens Falls High School student Julian Stedman. Student speakers Aiden Gormley of Glens Falls and Carter Olson of Queensbury. Music by Queensbury High School Band. Presentation of Colors, Armed Forces Salute, Roll Call, Placing of Wreaths, Ceremonial Firing, Presentation of Arms and Color Guards Pass. Benediction by Rev. Leonard Oates. “Taps” by Dave Raville of the Lake George Community Band.
Lake George: Honoring the Four Unknown Soldiers, 10:30 a.m. at Lake George Battlefield Park, Fort George Road. Ceremony honors men believed to be American Colonial soldiers killed during the Bloody Morning Scout in the 1755 Battle of Lake George, during French and Indian War.
Musket salute and prayer, followed by refreshments and a guided historical tour of Battlefield Park. Presented by the Lake George Battlefield Alliance, Fort William Henry, Lake George American Legion Post 374 and the Lake George Fire Department. Info: 428-5501.
Kingsbury & Hudson Falls: Kingsbury parade, 9 a.m. from Hudson Falls High School, Franklin Street side, to Moss Street Cemetery for ceremony. There will also be a ceremony at 10:10 a.m. in Juckett Park. Hudson Falls: parade begins at 11 a.m. from Village Hall to Union Cemetery for ceremony.
Open House and barbecue follow at the American Legion Post 574, 72 Pearl Street.
Fort Ann: Parade, 10 a.m. from Fort Ann Central School on Catherine Street to Charles Street, onto Route 4 to Village Park for memorial service. Remarks by veteran and Town Board member Samuel J. Hall, and Supervisor Moore. Fort Ann High School Band performs.
Warrensburg: Parade, 9 a.m. from firehouse on Elm Street, continuing on Elm Street to Hudson Street Cemetery for ceremony, sponsored by the American Legion. All veterans are welcome to march. Rain location: Firehouse.
Argyle: Parade, 10 a.m., from Rte. 197 south to Rte. 40, ending at American Legion Post 1518 for Memorial Service at the Legion Hall. All veterans, regardless of affiliation, are welcome to march. Line up at the laundromat on Route 197 at 9:30 a.m.
Bolton Landing: Parade, 10 a.m., beginning at Rogers Park, pause for ceremony at the WWII Memorial on the corner of Horicon and Rte. 9N, then proceed to Veterans Memorial Park for ceremony including student speech. Vehicles available to transport veterans if they can’t walk.
Grand Marshal is Joe French. Father Colin is Chaplain. Guest speaker will be a Bolton Central School. Bolton students will also perform Taps. Followed by entertainment by Andy Pratt and refreshments by town of Bolton and Stewarts’ Shops.
Hadley-Lake Luzerne: Parade, 11 a.m., from Hadley Four Corners on Rockwell Street to Hope Bridge for a wreath ceremony. Proceeds to Church Street, and to Lake Avenue and Lake Luzerne Cemetery for memorial service. Return to the American Legion for food and refreshments after the ceremony. Anyone interested in marching meet at Four Corners at 10:45 a.m. Rain location for the service is American Legion Post 862.
Grand Marshal is Army National Guard veteran Robert D. Grant Sr.
Whitehall: Outdoor Catholic Mass and ceremony, 8 a.m. at Our Lady of Angels Cemetery. Parade, lineup 10 a.m. for 11 a.m. step-off from American Legion on Main Street north to Clinton Ave., west to the Navy Gun Park for wreath laying. Parade proceeds south on Broadway to Poultney St., west to Williams St., north to Saunders St., returning to American Legion for ceremony at Veterans Monument in Riverside Memorial Park. Grand Marshal is Korean War veteran Stanley Benjamin, age 91. Whitehall High School Band rejoins the parade after two years off for Covid.
Schroon Lake: Ceremony, 10 a.m. at Veterans Memorial in Town Park on Dock Street. Proceeding to North Hudson:
North Hudson: Ceremony, 11 a.m. at Veterans Park next to Town Hall of North Hudson. Schroon Lake and North Hudson ceremonies hosted by American Legion Post 982 and VFW Post 362.
North Creek: Parade, 9:45 a.m. from Town Hall to Veterans Memorial on Main Street for ceremony at 10 a.m. Music by Johnsburg Central School Band. National anthem by Pop Singers group. Guest speaker is Eagle Scout Cole Sears. Refreshments follow at the Firehouse. Rain location: Johnsburg Central School gym.
Salem: Ceremony, 9 a.m. at the Shushan United Methodist Church followed by a parade, 10 a.m. from the Old Washington County Courthouse in Salem, heading down East Broadway for services at Archibald Street Bridge, Revolutionary War Cemetery, Civil War Monument at Evergreen Cemetery and concluding at Catholic Cemetery.
Pottersville: Parade, 10 a.m., line-up old middle school/Word of Life parking lot. 10:30 a.m. step-off to Pottersville firehouse. American Legion and VFW members will parade with local veterans. All veterans invited to join. Ceremony and burgers/dogs to follow sponsored by American Legion and Pottersville Fire Co. Legion Commander, Rob Hill, will conduct ceremony. North Warren band under direction of Ben Baker will play during parade and ceremony. Kirsten Librett, North Warren freshman, will sing National Anthem.
Long Lake: ceremony, 9 am with American Legion 650 at Town Bridge. 11 am ceremony at the Long Lake cemetery with guest speaker from Fort Drum TBA.
Stony Creek: Parade, 3 p.m. from Town Hall and ends at Town Park for ceremony. Refreshments at Town Hall following. Line up at 2:45 pm.
Cambridge: Ceremonies, 7:30 a.m. at Eagle Bridge Post Office, 8 a.m. at Woodland Cemetery, 8:30 a.m. at St. Patrick’s Cemeery, 9 a.m at Memorial Park. Parade follows beginning at 10 a.m.
Albany: Parade, 9 a.m. on Central Avenue. Line up at 8:30 a.m. at Hannaford Supermarket across from Westgate Shopping Center.
Queensbury: Memorial Day Services, 7 p.m., by Adirondack Chapter #79 of the Vietnam Veterans of America, at Vietnam Memorial on the campus of SUNY Adirondack, Bay Road. Color guard, bugles, and guest speakers. All are welcome. Rain or shine.
Hartford: Ceremony, 5:45 p.m. at Hartford Central School. Reenator Phil Jessen recites Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Guest speakers include Supervisor Dana Haff. Parade, 6 p.m. from Hartford Central School, north on Hartford Main Street to Town Barn for ceremony. Music by Hartford Central School Marching Band. With local Color Guard, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts.
Also, New York’s last remaining Civil War Enlistment Center, at 55 Main St., will be open all day for visitors. Hartford Methodist Church at 47 Hartford Main Street hosts a takeout chicken barbecue from 1 p.m. until sold out.
Corinth: Parade, 6 p.m. on Palmer Avenue, then on Main Street to Route 9N towards the cemeteries for ceremony, then to the firehouse. Wreath laying ceremony along the way on Palmer Avenue. Refreshments follow at the firehouse. Lineup at 5:30.
Prospect Mountain, Lake George: 49th Annual Memorial Service honoring POWs and MIAs of all past wars and conflicts, 1 p.m. at Prospect Mountain summit. 50th year. Led by Warren County American Legion Org. Admission to Memorial Highway will be free. Reception follows at American Legion Post 374, Route 9L. Rain location: American Legion Post 374.
— Compiled by Chronicle writer Chris Liggio
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