Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mural done on Wood Theater

By Zander Frost, Chronicle Staff Writer

Michael Ferrarell and Nick Capozzoli, from Chicago, completed a mural Sunday on the alley side of the Charles Wood Theater. It’s the Glens Falls Arts District’s third mural funded by the state Downtown Revitalization Initiative grant.

The mural is a series of panels depicting local history, landmarks and logos.

Artists Nick Capozzoli (left) & Michael Ferrarell. Chronicle photo/Cathy DeDe

Mr. Ferrarell said he “went super deep” on research for the project, with input from the Arts District and locals.

He said he used yearbooks uploaded online, newspapers, “15,000” photos of Glens Falls on Flickr, Historical Society and library websites, and more to design “a little over 40 different images.” A panel he particularly likes is of the “free bridge,” which he said he pulled from Glens Falls Insurance promotional materials.

Mr. Ferrarell said he often paints murals in similar small towns undergoing downtown revitalization. He was impressed with how busy Glens Falls is. “There are other small towns who are investing and pumping money into their downtown. It’s like they have new nice things, but still nobody’s down there.”

The pair took a week to paint the mural. They hoped to check out Lake George before their planned flight home Monday.
“I would like to see the actual falls. I want to see the bridge. I want to see the shirt factory,” Mr. Ferrarell. “I want to see all these things that I’ve been researching for weeks.”

“We’ve been just going to the Bullpen and eating pizza and stuff, because there’s just not a lot of downtime to explore. We’re not afraid to work hard…we just pushed, man. I feel like if I had two weeks to do this, I wouldn’t get it done. Because I would just be off exploring.”

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