Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Myott: There will be a South High Marathon Dance ‘in some form’

The 2020 South High Marathon Dance took place just before the coronavirus pandemic shut everything down. This year’s dance raised $801,281.

Chronicle Managing Editor Cathy DeDe writes: We checked in with Tom Myott, South Glens Falls art teacher and one of three adult Marathon Dance advisors, to see what the thought is about 2021.

“We are realizing that the South High Marathon Dance will look very different than in previous years,” Mr. Myott tells The Chronicle.

“It is our intention to provide as much of a Marathon experience for the students as we have before.”

He said, “We will continue to work with the students, to name student chairpeople, to take recipient applications and hold meetings, via Google or Zoom. We will operate as normal, with the exception of the physical dance itself. In some form, there will be a Marathon Dance.”

Some ideas that Mr. Myott said he and fellow advisors Jody Sheldon and Dan Albert are considering, in very preliminary conversations, include moving the Marathon from the first week in March to a later date when Covid restrictions may be relaxed or activities can be held outdoors.

They could also restrict how many students participate or do activities in shifts.

“We have absolutely zero definite answers,” Mr. Myott said. “We have a lot of questions. Our mantra and mission is to help our communities and people in need.”

In its 43 years, the South High Marathon Dance has raised $8.9-million to aid individuals and not-for-profit organizations.

Copyright © 2020 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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