Thursday, March 6, 2025

NY DMV unveils new North Country regional license plate

The New York State Department of Vehicles today unveiled the “newly-redesigned North Country regional license plate, part of a series of new license plates featuring the state’s 10 regions. The plate features an image of a sailboat along the St. Lawrence River in front of the

Thousand Islands Bridge.”

The plates for the other nine regions “will be unveiled and made available for sale throughout the month of June.”

Custom plates may be ordered on the DMV website, by mail, or by calling the Custom Plates office at (518) 402-4838. They are also available with the International Symbol of Access (ISA) for any registrant who qualifies. Any qualifying applicant who wants a plate with the ISA on it must contact the Custom Plates office before submitting their application.”

“Every region of our state has something unique and interesting about it, and we arehappy to celebrate that uniqueness by making these new license plates available for New York drivers,” Commissioner and Chair of the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee Mark J.F. Schroeder was quoted. “These also allow drivers to put their own unique touch on their vehicles and show pride for the place they live.”

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