Thursday, March 13, 2025

Our August 28 issue

In this weeks issue: Protecting Lake George. An $8.5 million trophy Lake George property is up for sale. We’ve got the story and pics! County support to help save Civic Center possible. Adirondack Flames hockey 2014-15 season schedule on page 9…includes 38 home games at the Civic Center! Mackenzie Waterston (age 20) heads to Saipan in search of WWII soldiers remains. The Washington County Fair set 2 single day attendance records.

Inserted in the issue is our Adirondack Family magazine featuring the big Kaleidoscopes exhibit coming to WACM and other upcoming events including the Adirondack Nationals Car Show in Lake George (Sept. 5-7), the Adirondack Balloon Festival (Sept. 18-21) and the Taste of the North Country on Sept. 28! Pick up your copy today!

Click to download as a PDF.


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Our March 13 front page

St. Patrick’s Day! Constantino. South Glens Falls election. Bonacio update: Sandy’s Clam Bar, Hotshots, ‘Incubator’. …