Our December 14 front page

Stefanik crashes ivory tower Glens Falls Hospital masks. Glens Falls Symphony soars. Grew up eating at Auction Barn Restaurant; now they revived it. Mark Levack’s Elm St. building transformed. Giovanni Fresco now open. JG3 stays hot for now #13 Clemson. Lola Saratoga Boutique robbed. GF parking fine revenue jumps as city uses sensors it installed under streets. Tony DeSare returns. Eyewitness: About that rabid fisher that bit 4 people at Hudson Pointe in Queensbury. Progressive and Sportline motor sports plan to merge. Concerts, comedy, shows… The Chronicle always has the region’s best Arts & Entertainment section!

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Our February 27 front page

South Glens Falls Marathon Dance!! Harvest Restaurant sold. Assaults in Glens Falls. Adk United girls …