Sunday, February 23, 2025

Park Commission seeks mandatory septic inspection; LGA: Do more

The Lake George Park Commission has issued its proposed new regulations on septic systems around the lake.

All wastewater systems located within 500 feet of Lake George or within 100 feet of DEC regulated streams would have to be inspected every five years under proposed State regulations seeking “to prevent degradation of the Lake from wastewater pollution.”

The Park Commission, which would administer the program, estimated it would apply to around 2,700 properties, or 45% of the septic systems in the Lake George Park.

The annual cost to residential property owners is $50; for commercial, $100. The fee would be due April 1. Systems found to be failing would need to fix the problem; funding help is available.

LGPC analysis estimated the $50 fee would be less than .5% of the typical annual tax bill for these properties.

It said 94% of the affected properties are residential; 6% are commercial.

Also required is a septic tank pumpout every five years, but pumpouts are already recommended every 2-3 years, so the Commission does not see this as a new cost to property owners.

The Lake George Association applauded the regulations as a “first step,” but advocated for “basin-wide” inspections

Its Lake George Waterkeeper Chris Navitsky was quoted that waste contamination causes “excess nutrient loading and the risk of harmful algal blooms and other water quality threats…”

The LGA said it will submit formal comments “aimed at improving the final regulations” at a public hearing to be held Wednesday, Nov. 9, at 4 p.m. at the Fort William Henry Hotel in Lake George, and “urges others to do the same.”

Copyright © 2022 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved

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