Thursday, March 13, 2025

Prom is back!

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Prom 2022 is an all-out “go!”

The Chronicle reached out to area schools. After mostly straight-out cancellations in 2020 and modified if any events in 2021, things are upbeat now.

Glens Falls: May 21 at the Q

Glens Falls High School’s Junior Prom is Saturday, May 21, 6 to 11 p.m. in The Gold Room and Ballroom at the Queensbury Hotel. “We are so excited!” advisors Miranda Kent and Elizabeth Bell said.

The Grand March, traditionally at the school, will instead be at City Park. The relocation is “to allow for unlimited friend and family admission despite the on-going and ever-changing Federal, state, and county pandemic precautions.” Free to attend, $1 for a program.

Ms. Ball said, “This may begin a new tradition.”

This year, Ms. Bell noted, Juniors can attend the Grand March and the Prom individually or in groups of 2 to 4 people of any gender.

“This change is intended to help everyone feel included and comfortable as possible at these formal events, and will hopefully begin a new tradition,” she said.

Post-Prom Party is from midnight to 3 a.m. at the high school as always. Admission is free to all Juniors and their dates, regardless of whether they attend the Prom.

Qby: Junior & Senior proms

Queensbury will have two Proms.

“After rescheduling…numerous times, the Prom for Seniors will be on May 7th and the Prom for the Class of 2023 (Juniors) will be on May 21,” High School Principal Damian Switzer said.

The school also held a Senior Ball and Junior Prom in May 2021, “with COVID safety restrictions in place,” he said.

This year: Senior Prom is Saturday, May 7, 7 to 11 p.m. at the Fort William Henry. Entertainment is by Piano Man DJ. Tix: $70. Ticket sales begin March 15.

Post-prom party, midnight to 4 a.m. at Lake George Lanes and Games, for bowling and laser tag.

Junior Prom is Saturday, May 21, also 7 to 11 p.m. at the Fort William Henry. Music is by DJ Mike Morgan of Big Daddy Entertainment. Tix: $75.

Post-prom party is also midnight to 4 a.m. at Lake George Lanes and Games.

At both Queensbury Junior and Senior proms, rather than a Grand March at school, the students will be recorded on arrival to the Fort, broadcast for parents to watch.

SGF: Saratoga Hilton, May 21

South Glens Falls High School’s Junior Prom is Saturday, May 21, 6 to 10 p.m. at the Saratoga Hilton. The theme is “Enchanted Forest.” Entertainment is by DJ Stantastic. Tix: $85.

Grand March is at 5 p.m. at the school.

Post-prom party is 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Saratoga Strike Zone, for bowling, bumper cars, arcade, Ballocity, food, prizes.

Covid plans are “TBD, based on protocols at the time.”

The school also held its Junior Prom at the Hilton last year.

Lake George: Blue Water Manor

Lake George High School Class of 2023 Junior Prom is Saturday, April 30, 7 to 11 p.m. at Blue Water Manor on Lake George. Open to students only, with tickets. The Prom theme is “Night of A Thousand Stars.”

Coronation is from 5 to 6 p.m. in the Shepard Park amphitheater, Lake George Village. Admission and public viewing free and open to all.

Post Prom Party is from midnight to 5 a.m. at Adventure Racing in Queensbury; open to students only.

Bolton: ‘So excited’

Bolton Central School will have its prom on Saturday, May 21, at Blue Water Manor on Lake George. Promenade begins at 4:30 p.m. at Blue Water, then dinner and Prom until 10:30 p.m.

All students from Grades 9 to 12 are included. The theme is “Enchanted Evening” with entertainment by DJ Andy Pratt. Tickets: $60.

Post-prom party is from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. at Adventure Family Fun Center in Queensbury, where the students will play Laser Tag, Karaoke and ride Go-Karts, among other activities.

Jane Trowbridge, who is Junior Class President with Kaitlyn Wholey, wrote, “The school does not have ‘prom royalty’ or ‘junior court.’ We don’t really even have enough kids!”

The Chronicle talked to her before Gov. Kathy Hochul lifted the mask mandate, when Jane said, “We’re hoping that we won’t have to wear masks and that there won’t be any restrictions on numbers, or guests from other schools.”

Meanwhile, “We were fortunate enough to have prom last year! Everyone was so excited to be able to attend prom last spring, after missing it the year before.

“This year, we’ve been looking forward to it since November, which I think is becaus,e for us, it’s an event that hasn’t been cancelled. We’re hoping for a safe and healthy prom this year for everyone!”

Granville: Country Meadows

Granville will have Prom 2022 at Country Meadows Barn in Fort Ann on Friday, May 27. “Many logistical details are in the process of being worked out at this time,” wrote Marc Lambert, advisor to the Class of 2023.

Greenwich: ‘Enchanted’

Greenwich Central School holds its prom on Saturday, April 9, beginning at 5 p.m. at the Saratoga Elks Lodge. The theme is “Enchanted Evening,” with DJ and Photo Booth. Tickets will cost $100.

Grand March and Coronation are at 4 p.m. in the High School Auditorium.

Post-prom is from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. at The Fun Spot in Queensbury.

Traditional: Promgoers meet in the park in Greenwich for pictures prior to Coronation. The school will follow current NYS Department of Health guidelines in all locations.

Rather than as Juniors in the spring, the Class of 2022 had a Senior Prom in October 2021.

More on Glens Falls prom

This year’s Glens Falls prom theme is “Roaring Twenties,” with emcee Mike Napoli of SoundFormula Entertainment.

Ticket price will be based on fund-raising efforts still to come. Ms. Bell said they hope to reduce the ticket price as much as possible, “to allow all Juniors the opportunity to join the fun.”

Last year, the Class of 2021 changed their traditional Senior Cruise on Lake George into a formal event, to make up for their cancelled Prom of 2020.

Seniors in this year’s Class of 2022 had a make-up Senior Ball in January at Hiland Country Club.

Hartford: Not this year

Hartford hosts a prom only every other year, said Superintendent Andrew Cook. This is a non-Prom year.

Copyright © 2022 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved

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