Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Q&A What will you do if Biden wins?

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

Big response to our question posed March 14 to Chronicle digital subscribers: What will you do if Biden wins? (Last week we published answers to the same question with Trump.)

When President Biden is re-elected I will breathe a sigh of relief. He has done a good job so far, though it has been underappreciated. Also, the alternative would be a complete disaster for our nation.
— Ron Johnson, Hudson Falls

After I have a good, long cry, I will pray he doesn’t die in office making Kamala the Commander in Chief. The fear of the probability of that happening should be enough for voters to not vote for Biden!
— RS, Queensbury

If Biden wins the first thing I will do is breathe a sigh of relief! Our country and its relationship with the rest of the free world could not withstand another 4 years of a dictatorship under you know who. When folks go to the polls to vote in November they need to ask themselves if they want an experienced (but aged) person who has decreased the national debt, created jobs, gotten us thru a pandemic and shown a compassion for Americans and our allies, or if you want a misogynistic, pretend, right wing Christian who is a self serving liar, criminal, who showed during his first 4 years that his ego rules over common sense. If Dems can retake the House of Representatives and retain Senate rule, maybe things will finally get done to move our country forward.
— Judy Hunter Ebeling, Pottersville

I will do nothing. Leaders come and go. We’ve suffered through good and bad ones and lived with their poor or good decisions. The country will go on.
— Tom Cumm, Gansevoort

We as a country need to stop being reactionary every time the wind changes direction and start working together to build a better union for all Americans regardless of who wins this and any election.
— Frank, Stillwater

— Nan Scinta, Queensbury

roger gebo, queensbury

even though he is not perfect, we won’t have to list[en] to a criminal give us orders. How come as a country we are allowing these Trump type role models lead our country?
— Gloria French, SA, Texas

Probably exercise my 2nd amendment rights and purchase a firearm (something I’ve never done throughout my life)!
— Frank Ross: Marietta, GA

Answer: celebrate!
— Paula J Powers, South Glens Falls

Answer: move to Florida
— Linda Wohlers, Bolton Landing

I will head out into the Adirondack Park where no one can find me, save the bears, and hunker down til the inevitable storm blows over. Anybody got a spare tent? And canoe?
— Bruce Van Eerde, Warrensburg

For our Country’s sake, I hope not. Not much you can do when our Government is involved in 3rd world politics. Weaponising our Judicial system, gerrymandering voting districts, our politicians pretty much telling our Supreme Court to pound salt. Ridiculous! Our Country is in so much Turmoil, orchestrated by Democrats.
— Danny Hurlburt, Fort Edward

Sadly, whether it be Biden or Trump, we no longer vote for a person to control our nation, but a political party. Be it Democrat or Republican, it’s the Party’s philosophy that we elect. Sadder yet is the age of both participants with a mental capacity easily manipulated by the tyranny of House representation. I’d rather be remembered as the greatest parking ticket writer in the world than President of a sad and eroded nation. It’s our own fault, we allowed it to happen.
— Donald…not Trump, Glens Falls

On the remote chance ballot harvesting should allow Biden to win again, I’ll have to accept what amounts to 4 years in the dentist’s chair. More spending on failed climate crap to line his campaign contributors pockets. Another 10 million illegal migrants consisting of terrorists, murderers, drug runners, gang members, pedophiles and anyone else who wants to live off the American taxpayer. And things will only get worse when Joe inevitably heads off to the nursing home and Kamala takes over.
— Fred Eichler, Indian Lake

relieved, that trump didn’t get it
— Kathy Brown

Be thankful that we have enough people in this country who still want democracy, rather than live in a fascist autocracy.
— Linda Wooddell, Glens Falls

—Donna Schiavoni, Fort Edward

If the megalomaniac wins the election, I will be in jail or dead because the idea that a dictator would run this country would destroy any sense of normalcy! My father fought the Russians in the Winter war in Finland and my mom was forced to move from the Karelian Peninsula! Trump is a fascist autocrat!
— TJ: Queensbury

I will support him. While I don’t always agree with everything he’s done, for the most part his policies and beliefs align with my own.
— Cyndie, Moreau

I would seriously question the integrity of our elections. There is no way Biden has the votes to win.
— Al, Queensbury

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