Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Question of the week: What should be the new Glens Falls mascot?

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

Last Thursday, when we sent our weekly email with the link to the new Chronicle to our digital subscribers, for the first time we also posed a question and invited readers to respond.

We asked: ‘With the New York State Education Department banning all Native American mascots by the end of the 2022-23 school year, What should the new Glens Falls School District Mascot be? Why?’

The email went out at 8:06 am. The first reply came at 8:11 replies kept coming and coming.

“My brother in law is a full blooded Montaukette Indian and doesn’t find mascots insulting or degrading Keep the logo and name!!!! — Ralph in Queensbury

Debbie in Queensbury: Lion (for the roaring waters of the Finch Pruyn dam)

K: Because of the amount of times Glens Falls has burnt down, I still believe they should go with a phoenix-rising-from-the-ashes theme and be named the ‘Firebirds.’

Tom in Queensbury: Glens Falls Pulpers – the mascot can be a mighty roll of toilet paper.

Raymond in Glens Falls: Hawkeyes; Loggers; Dackers; Stampede; Parkers; Bankers; Coopers; Red Wings; Pruyns; Timber Rattlers; Millers

Jon: Glens Falls Waffles. Next they should protest the Patriots or Red Sox.

Mike in Lake Luzerne: Draveur (river log driver). Glens Falls has a history of logs floating down the Hudson and paper making.

Hometown (Glens Falls Hometown USA)

Empires (Glens Falls in the past has referred to itself as the Empire City)

Andrea in Bolton Landing: Since any mascot could be looked at as controversial, Queensbury is now just Q on all of their promotional materials and clothes so I suppose G or GF. It’s boring but we don’t want to offend anyone 🙂

However the Mohawk word for Glens Falls was Chepontuc meaning hard place to get around because of the waterfall. That would work for sports since it says it would be hard to get around or past the GF athletes.

Tony: The Glens Falls Bob Cats. Local wildlife; better name than the Coyotes.

Dave: Beaver, the state animal!

We should also have to rename the 22 states that are named after Indians also while we are at it.

Bob: Glens Falls School District should join with other Districts and fight this ruling. The use of Native American icons is not meant to be derogatory. Quite the opposite, it is in fact a form of admiration.

I suggest that the school district contact a nearby tribal organization (For example see: and ask them to authorize the use of the name and likeness of the tribe. If necessary, a fee might be paid to the tribe for the rights.

Finally, if all else fails, I direct your attention to the work of fiction “The Last of the Mohicans” written in 1826, without the approval of anyone. Glens Falls is featured prominently in the action, as is Hawk-eye (also known as ‘the Pathfinder’). I vote for the use of Hawk-eye as the symbol for the school.

John: The Papermakers

Terry in Fort Ann: The Indian name should not be changed, if N.Y. State considers it offensive, then the Argyle Scots should have to change their name, I’m Scottish and find that name derogatory.

Jack: Pale Faces

Janet in Lake George: The Fluffy Bunnies because anything strong sounding will be banned!

David in Glen Lake/Miami: Winged Cascades. Honors Abraham Wing, founder of Wings Falls before he lost the name to Johannes Glen.

Stephen in Saratoga: Lumber Jacks. It was a great name for the minor league baseball team and would fit the High School well. And girls can be Lumber Jacks too.

Lois in Queensbury: Bumble bee

Tom in Keene: The State is falling apart, and this is the most important thing Albany can find to work on. How about we name the teams the “Glens Falls Politicians.”

Paul in Glens Falls: Really disappointed that we have to give up our nickname. Be that as it may, I think we should go with “Patriots.”

Brieanna in Ballston Spa: Mountaineers

Paula in Glens Falls: The Glens Falls Bobcats? Could be a fun Mascot, too! Bobcats are a successful species native to the Adirondacks.

We’ll share more answers in the digital Chronicle. Sign up:

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