Monday, February 24, 2025

Rachel Seeber exits; praised, but some hints at past friction

Chronicle Managing Editor Cathy DeDe writes: Queensbury At-Large Warren County Supervisor Rachel Seeber tells The Chronicle she, indeed, submitted her official letter of resignation to the Town Board on Monday, Jan. 23, “as promised.” It’s effective immediately.

Dr. Seeber thanked “the people of Queensbury for the opportunity to serve them since 2014, and the people of Warren County for placing their trust in me since 1999,” first as a crime victim advocate.

Noting her impending departure at her final county board meeting, she requested that County Attorney Larry Ellman still provide her an answer to a prior question “as a private citizen.”

The Town Board will appoint a successor to fill the seat through the end of the term on Dec. 31.

Town Supervisor John Strough told the Chronicle the process could be completed in time for the next Board of Supervisors meeting, Friday, Feb. 17.
Note: All four Queensbury At-Large Supervisor positions, the four Queensbury Town Board seats and Town Supervisor are up for reelection on Nov. 7.

Supervisors comment on Seeber

Several Warren County Supervisors noted at the end of the of the monthly board meeting on Jan. 20 that it was Rachel Seeber’s last as a Queensbury At-Large Supervisor.

Board Chair Kevin Geraghty of Warrensburg said, “I for one have not been happy with the last few years around the county, but I sincerely want to wish you the best and hope that you do fine in teaching young people what’s right and what’s wrong.

“We really did have some good times on our intercounty trips,” Mr. Geraghty repeated twice.

Two fellow Queensbury At-Large Supervisors praised Ms. Seeber at length.

Doug Beaty called her departure “a huge loss,” describing her as “standing among the best” of the county’s chairmen “and chairwomen.”

Brad Magowan said, “I think I may cry here; what she has done for the county is beyond belief.”

Craig Leggett of Chester said, “We’ve not always agreed, but what a great partner she has been in this democratic process. You will be missed.”

Claudia Braymer, Jack Diamond and others wished her well, spoke of Dr. Seeber’s “passion,” and “how prepared she always was for meetings.”

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