Thursday, March 13, 2025

Readers report: Worst roads & intersections

By Zander Frost & Mark Frost, Chronicle Staff Writer & Editor

Huge response again this week to the question we posed in our weekly e-mail to digital Chronicle subscribers. What’s the worst or most dangerous intersection or stretch of road in the area? Readers told us plenty.

John Hall in Lake George: Exit 20 southbound at the exit ramp at the intersection with Gurney Lane. It seems that there is a collision every week when cars on the exit ramp try to turn left to go toward the Municipal Center. They cannot see the traffic coming from the left on the overpass bridge due to the guard rails on the overpass. Probably a roundabout is needed.

Roxane Egan in Schroon Lake: I think there needs to be a traffic light installed as you come off the exit 20, Southbound ramp of the Northway! It’s extremely hard to make a left turn to head to route 9!

Tom in Keene: The entire complex of “Northway Exit 20.”

Paul Gallo in Thurman & East Rockaway NY: Spending lots of my time downstate, on Long Island, and Manhattan, driving in and around Lake George, and the Glens Falls- Queensbury area is a flat out pleasure! That being said, the most dangerous intersection I experience on a regular basis is the Exit 20 ramp of the Northway. We need traffic light at that point because people take chances making the left off the Northway because at certain times of the day there is an endless stream of cars and trucks heading towards the entrance to the Northway. It’s only going to be a matter of time before someone gets hurt , taking a poorly thought out chance making that left turn.

The price of a traffic light is a bargain, compared to having someone badly injured due to impatience and a bad decision.

Many spots along Bay Road

Charlie Brennan in Glens Falls: Bay and Quaker, Queensbury. I worked across the street for nearly 18 years and saw many accidents there, and many folks constantly running that light. Elm and South gets a runner up from me, because my beloved Cindy was nearly killed at that intersection by individuals who believed that the red light didn’t apply to them. T-boned her in the driver’s side of her PTCruiser. Totalled the car. My wife, was lucky to walk away. The intersection of Bay and 254 is the worst, in my humble opinion, though.

Denise LaRose in Queensbury: Bay Rd and Cronin Rd

Meg Hagerty in Queensbury: The corner of Bay and Cronin Roads

R. Burch in Queensbury: Intersection of Bay & Cronin Roads in Queensbury.

William Shea in Queensbury: Turning left (northbound) from Blind Rock Road onto Bay Road in Queensbury. Perfect spot for a roundabout, due to the grade of the road there is very poor visibility of cars approaching the intersection from the east. The Town could plant a new Christmas tree in the center (to replace the one that had to be removed from the lawn of Town hall).

Joe in Queensbury: Bay and Haviland/Blind Rock Answer:

Frank Rollo in Queensbury: Bay Road and 149. Poor angle and thundering Semi-trucks on 149 going east who run the red light frequently.

Kim Cavarretta in Queensbury 149 & Bay Road

Route 9 north in Queensbury

Luisa Craige-Sherman in Queensbury: Rt 9 and Round Pond Rd.
*My husband and I have seen near head on collisions here with especially out of towners heading north on 9 and doing a quick pull to the middle turn lane to go into Martha’s at the last minute never seeing a car in the turn lane heading south to turn onto Round Pond Rd.

Likewise due especially to summer traffic going to Six Flags and LG it is nearly impossible to make a safe left had turn out of Round Pond Road.

There absolutely should be a traffic light there and designated signed turning lanes.

Robert Raymond in Queensbury: The Million Dollar corridor has to be one of the worst stretches of highway for a major portion of the year; all summer and during holiday seasons, it may take up to 20+ minutes to go the 1/2 mile. Pedestrian traffic is a great thing for the businesses, but certainly adds a level of dangerousness while traveling. One must also add in the danger and lengthy delays that can be experienced at the exit 20 ramps to get to and leave the 1/2 mile of shops.

Jon Baum in Pennington, NJ/Warrensburg: Route 9 between I-87 Exit 20 and Route 149

Jamey Rothermel in Queensbury: Route 9 Outlet Mall Queensbury

Dix, Quaker & more in Qby.

John Schutze, Queensbury: Dix Ave/Quaker Rd intersection

Jill Johnson Brewer in Hudson: Corner Quaker/dix. The turning arrow is hard to see. And if you don’t get turned in time the folks coming from opposite direction act like they will smash into you. It’s dangerous at times.

Bonnie Harney, Hudson Falls: coming out of intersection of Walmart on QuakerRd, Queensbury.

Clint, South Glens Falls: Where the Warren County Bikeway crosses Country Club Road. Poorly marked and no one adheres to 25 mph posted speed limit.
Don in Queensbury: Dead man’s curve on Ridge Road just south of Hicks Rd.

Ruth Creeden: I would have to say the intersection at Main Street and Aviation Road. My second guess would be Quaker and Bay.

South Glens Falls bridge

Pam Dougherty, Glens Falls: The bridge between Glens Falls & South Glens Falls. Since the barricades were removed and not replaced, walking on the sidewalk to cross it there is zero protection from an out of control vehicle and nowhere to get out of the way, except to jump over the bridge? I remember as a young kid , rain or snow, walking to dance lessons over that bridge. I sure wouldn’t let my kids walk across it today.

Cynthia in South Glens Falls: Crossing SGF bridge, from traffic circle in Glens Falls right through the Mohican/Oakland intersection, in EITHER direction from 6am until 6pm every day of the week

Downtown & Upper Glen

Rich Kelly in Warren County: I’ll reply to most confusing intersection. Traveling East on Sherman Ave. and getting the green light at Glen. If you’re not familiar with the light and want to head north turning left, you’ll wait for the traffic heading west from Washington to proceed through the intersection. There isn’t an arrow to show you have the right of way and you’ll wonder why the traffic across from you isn’t moving and why everyone in back of you is multitasking giving you the bird, honking horns and mouthing expletives. A quick glance at your passenger riding shot gun, you both concede “it must be the Glens Falls Indians bumper sticker.”

Washington County & beyond

Matt Smith in Hudson Falls: Main Street in Hudson Falls, drivers don’t pay attention to the crosswalks.

Jane in Smiths Basin, Town of Kingsbury: Dix Avenue and Vaughan Road in Hudson Falls. Seemed to always be a crash there when I was young.(60 thu 90s) Went under a flatbed truck myself in the 80s — lucky to walk away. I think they reduced speeds there finally.

Carl: Farm to Market Rd (Rt 149) between Tripoli and Fort Ann.

Robert and Theresa Rowe: In regards to most dangerous stretch of road in the area, we say route 4 from the RT 22 intersection in Comstock to Whitehall.

Paul Cordes: 22A Fair Haven to Vergennes

In the Town of Moreau

Roger Granger in Moreau: 197 and 32

David: E/B intersection of Clark Road and state route 32. Not because of the number of accidents, just lousy visibility looking north and south.

Argyle reader: The Exit 17 South exchange on the Northway while it is under construction.

Jeff Boersma in Kattskill Bay: Bay Road/9L

Looking to the west

Yvonne in West Glens Falls: Exit 18 and Corinth Road

John Schurga in Queensbury: Veterans Road and Sherman Avenue intersection.

David Jones in Queensbury: Most dangerous intersection in my area, Luzerne rd and west mtn rd

Julie Brino, Lake Luzerne: That Luzerne/GlansFalls Mtn Rd is a real doozy!

Lake George & points north

Brian Reepmeyer in Lake George Lake Shore Drive coming out of the Village. Lots of people walking home from the village in the summer and very little shoulder in some spots.

Arthur: Flat rock rd lake George. Risk your life with speeders on this small town road, posted 30 speed limit nobody cares, certainly not law enforcement!

(2nd submission) – Intersection of Friends Lake Road and White Schoolhouse Road with Route 9/8 just west of Chestertown. A bear to cross intersection, or turn left, when going north owing to the road bend of Route 9/8 coming east and 55mph speed limit.

F. Raymond Agnew: It’s a bit north, but being from E-Town we always called the intersections of Route 9 and Route 73 at Exit 30 “Crazy Corners” and Dysfunction Junction.”

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