Rotary’s highest honor its Charter Day Award

The Glens Falls Rotary’s Charter Day Award, a club tradition since 1966, is the highest and most prestigious honor to one of its members who has served the Club, District and the community in the outstanding ways, bringing distinction to our club and to Rotary. The honoree exemplifies the ideals of both the club and of Rotary. Honoree may be a current member of the Board. The Charter Day Award is traditionally presented as close to the club’s Charter Date of April 21 as possible, but the final schedule depends on the availability of the recipient, which traditionally is kept secret until the actual presentation.

Charter Day honorees, 1966-2022
2022 Kevin O’Brien
2021 Kim Bren & Brian Corcoran
2020 Cindy Amell
2019 Steve Borgos
2018 Dave Bogue
2017 Kevin Markham
2016 Art Norton
2015 Tom Hoy
2014 Ted Brothers
2013 Jacquiline Touba
2012 Lincoln D. Cathers
2011 Donna Farrar
2010 John Mucha
2009 Rev. Monty Robinson
2008 Charles Adams
2007 Thomas Haley
2006 Patricia A. Joyce
2005 William E. Fitzgerald
2004 Joseph E. Trombley
2003 Lloyd Cote
2002 Paul L. Dowen
2001 Col. Robert Krug
2000 H. John Schutze
1999 Fred A. Carvin
1998 John P. Cushing
1997 Paul Pontiff
1996 Richard C. Merrill
1995 Col. Robert Avon
1994 Dr. Jack V. Irion
1993 John L. Haanen
1992 Darwin E. Leland
1991 Dr. Richard D. Garrett, Sr.
1990 William M. Roden
1988 Dr. Robert C. Westcott
1987 Richard K. Dean
1986 James K. Minnick, Sr.
1985 Robert P. Larsen
1984 Ames T. Barber
1983 Orson C. Beaman
1982 Merritt E. Scoville
1981 Robert. L Edwards
1980 Earl L. Ellsworth
1979 J. Gardiner Bridge
1978 Frederick G. Bascomb
1977 Rev. Herbert B. Hudnut
1976 Harold R. Lawson
1975 Irving M. Falkenbury
1974 Robert N. King
1973 Maurice H. Simmonds
1972 Walter P. Reichert, Sr.
1971 Rev. Gary E. Germain
1970 Harold M. Long
1969 Edward J. Trimby
1968 Arthur P. Irving
1967 Stanley H. McArthur
1966 Alfred S. Clark

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