Thursday, March 6, 2025

School & Library District vote results

Critic of drag queen story hour wins seat at Luzerne’s libary

In the hotly contested race for Rockwell Falls Public Library Trustee, the two winners were Josh Jacquard with 279 votes and Kathleen Jones with 187.

A write-in candidate, Jason Hall, finished third, with 132 votes. Robin Cammarata had 108, and Jade Eddy 107.

In candidate statements in last week’s Chronicle, Mr. Jacquard wrote in part: “Holding drag queen story hour is inappropriate and an abuse of tax payer dollars. The library director acted irresponsibly by allowing the planning of this event which would target children.”

Ms. Jones has an opposite view She wrote in part: “If you do not like it, don’t go — plain and simple.” She said, “The Hadley-Luzerne area sorely lacks an inclusive, cultural space — a space where everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc,. can feel welcome and valued.”

The Hadley-Luzerne School District Budget passed, 335-132. Proposition 1: Bus Purchase passed 335-135.

Eddie Joe Moulton won unopposed reelection to the Board of Education.

SGF: Brashears, Healy, Elder elected; budget passes

South Glens Falls School District residents approved its 2023-24 budget Tuesday; 919 voting yes and 291 no. “The $69,871,797 spending plan carries a 7.60 percent spending decrease over the current year’s budget,” the district said.

Elected school board candidates were: Haley Brashears, 768 votes; Nicholas Healy, 757; William Elder, 752.

Edward Potter received 635 votes and Christopher Music, 396.

Voters approved 951-274 the expenditure of $2 million from the unrestricted fund balance fund to make repairs.

LG: Approves budgets; Bieber, Earl elected

Lake George School District voters passed a $24,808,692 budget proposal for the 2023-24 school year, 628-254.

“Under the approved budget, a 2.29% tax increase will maintain programming and enhance safety for Lake George students next year,” the district said.

Voters also filled two open seats on the Board of Education. Winning were Jeannine Bieber with 566 votes and Rosemarie Earl with 598 votes. Linda Clark received 351 votes.

Voters approved by a vote of 662 to 217 the purchase of two 60-passenger buses at a cost not to exceed $302,092.

HF: Everything approved

Voters approved everything for Hudson Falls schools Tuesday night.
The $53-million budget passed 260-60.

The bus proposition passed 255-66.

The Capital Reserve proposition passed 268-50; the EPC energy proposition passed 290-32.

Bryan Steele and Megan Borland won unopposed election to the school board.

Copyright © 2023 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved

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