By Gordon Woodworth, Chronicle News Editor
The Soprano family of Queensbury, who operated pizza shops in Lake George Village and in Glens Falls, are now bottling and selling Soprano’s Marinara Sauce.
“Jacobs & Toney in Warrensburg was the first one on board, and they are doing the best,” said Tony Soprano, the son of Joe and Tina Soprano and a 2014 SUNY Oneonta graduate.
“They have gone through four or five cases [12 24-ounce jars per case] in about six weeks.”
The jars sell for $5.99. The sauce “has been our family recipe for generations,” Joe said. “My wife has made some minor changes over the years. It’s an oil-based, gluten-free sauce, all natural, with no sugar, no paste and no preservatives.

“And it’s got fresh peppers, onions, garlic and basil, all things any Italian wouldn’t be caught dead without.”
Joe Soprano said that when he’s on his delivery routes, “wherever I go, people tell me they miss our food and a lot of them say, ‘I really miss your sauce.’ So, we decided to give it a shot.”
The sauce is also sold at the Glens Falls Food Co-Op on South Street, Bean’s Country Store and Bella’s Deli in Lake George.
“We are negotiating with Price Chopper and Hannaford, as well as Healthy Living Market in Saratoga and Wegman’s,” Joe said. “That’s what we’re really shooting for.”
Tony and his mom designed the label. The sauce is bottled in Oneonta, “and we know we can grow with him,” Joe said.
“We’re seeing that the big chains are leaning more toward local foods. They give you a small spot on the shelves and you have to prove yourself.”
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