Sunday, February 23, 2025

Stefanik-Castelli drastically at odds on abortion

By Mark Frost & Zander Frost
Chronicle Editor

The Chronicle sat down for separate extensive interviews last week with 21st District Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik and her Democratic challenge Matt Castelli.

They disagree on most things. On abortion it’s drastic.

Rep. Stefanik: “I am pro life with exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother…

“I don’t support taxpayer dollars going towards funding abortion. That’s the Hyde Amendment, which has maintained bipartisan support for decades.

“And that’s in stark contrast to my opponent who supports no limits on abortion. So abortion up until including a third trimester, up until the moment of and after birth, he also wants to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which is a very radical position.

“I’ve also been a leader on increasing access to contraception over the counter, and I also have been a strong leader in advocating for maternal care, and after giving birth making sure babies have baby formula and maternal health and baby health.”

Would you support making your stance the national law?

Stefanik: “I’m a co-sponsor of the 15- week bill with three exceptions. That’s wrongly described by the national media as a no exceptions complete ban…

“And as the only candidate in this race who has ever been pregnant or had a child, I believe in both. I believe that it’s important to stand up for a culture of life.”

Matt Castelli: “I believe very strongly in a woman’s right to choose to make her own decisions about her own health care to control her own body without interference from the government.”

Should there be any limits on abortion?

Matt Castelli: “Listen, I think there aren’t other healthcare examples in which the government comes in and makes a determination about what you should or should not be doing to advance your own healthcare needs in consultation with your government.

“Or in consultation with your doctor, your physician, with your family members, with your faith leader.

“So in this regard, I believe that women should be fully empo

Castelli for statehood for Washington D.C.

The Chronicle asked Congressional candidates Matt Castelli: Are you for making Washington, D.C. a state?

“Yes, I am,” said Mr. Castelli. “I lived in DC for a period of time. And I don’t think it’s appropriate that people pay taxes to the federal government without adequate representation.

“And I actually think a wide swath of the American people would appreciate and understand that. Here you are an American citizen, live within the continental United States of America, and you don’t have adequate representation in Washington, but you’re expected to pay the sort of full suite of taxes that everybody else are. That’s not fair.”

Making Washington, D.C. a state is also a long-sought Democratic goal.

As of Sept. 30, party enrollment in Washington is 76.63% Democrat (386,009) to 5.34% Republican (26,910).

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