Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Steve’s Place booths now at Kerrie’s, nearby

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

We can’t visit Steve’s Place any more, but we can still hang out in the classic booths. They’re now installed at Kerrie’s Northway Diner, less than a half mile up Broad Street-Main Street in Queensbury, a little closer to Northway Exit 18.

Kerrie’s Northway Diner owner Kerry LeClair seated at one of the booths she bought from Steve’s Place. Chronicle photo/Cathy DeDe
Owner Kerrie LeClair purchased the eight cream-and-brown leatherette seating booths from Steve’s Place owner Christine Vamvalis-Haley.
Steve’s Place closed on March 15.

Ms. LeClair said of Steve’s Place owner, Ms. Vamvalis-Haley, “She’s always been really good to me. It was never really a competition or anything like that. The restaurant up the road, Papa’s Restaurant, I think it’s just far enough away.

“All these places have been there forever, and people have been going for years.”

Ms. LeClair will mark 10 years owning the Northway Diner in August. She said she replaced three old booths in the main room, and added three new booths, which is all she has space for. The restaurant seats 63, she said.

“I’ve seen a lot of new faces,” already, since Steve’s closed,” said Ms. LeClair. “Some of them, they do both. I do notice maybe a little more business.

“It’s a great location, so thankfully I have that on my side. We try to throw out some good food in a timely manner.

“We cater to people that are on breaks, that need to get back in half an hour or an hour. We have a good time. And people really enjoy it.”

Kerrie’s was a friendly bustle of regulars last Friday morning, even shortstaffed. A waitress poured hot tea even before the customer ordered.

Specials included a “Meat Lovers American Sandwich” on bagel or croissant with homefries, or “Two Silver Pineapple Upside Down Pancakes, w/ 2 links.”

Breakfast and lunch are served seven days a week, to 2 p.m.

“I’m very lucky,” Ms. LeClair said, also acknowledging her eight employees. “I’ve had people that have worked for me for a very long time, who started with me almost, so we’re like family.”

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