Sunday, February 23, 2025

Strough: I’m seeking re-election; my record, my plan

This email is to inform you of my intention to run for Queensbury Town Supervisor in this year’s election,” wrote John Strough.

“Under my leadership, the Town of Queensbury has encouraged commercial development through flexible zoning, expanded infrastructure and strategic marketing. Internally, we have improved municipal efficiencies, both structural and operating. Those actions, along with prudent fiscal practices, have helped keep the Town of Queensbury taxes as one of the lowest in the Greater Capital Region.

“My environmental protection work is well known: Rooftop solar on six of our municipal buildings; LED lighting in all town facilities; development of the shoreline buffer standards; initiated environmental studies of Lake George, Glen Lake and Lake Sunnyside; built and building infrastructure to meet climate change demands;

“encouraged solar farm developments in town; developing a Rockhurst community wastewater facility; creation of North Queensbury Wastewater Disposal District; proposed and researching extending water to areas of town that have contaminated wells; introduced and currently expanding our EV cars and hybrid vehicle fleet; developing a town Climate Action Plan;

“studying use of Adaptive Signal Technology to more efficiently manage traffic flows and reduce carbon production; work with county to develop a Zero Waste facility; development of numerous trails to provide exercise and alternative transportation opportunities; looking to have the Town Court building changed from gas HVAC to electric;

“creation of Rush Pond Park; supported the development of the Lake George boat inspection program; worked and working with the LGA to reduce salt use on winter roads; participate in annual Asian clam inspections, and much more.

“In addition to continuing my environmental protection efforts, my Town Supervisor goals for my next term are to remedy and improve the town’s emergency services, improve the town’s internal and external security vulnerabilities, stabilize costs, improve zoning, improve infrastructures, boost business promotion to improve revenues, finalize the new CLUP, and implement Highway Department fleet management, continue working with EHA and department managers in the continuance of developing a more comprehensive and effective safety program,

“work with city to create new Peggy Ann Trail, update town handbook, update fire and EMS contracts, finalize Lake George Environmental Action Plan, advance Glen Lake Environmental Action Plan, investigate remedies for Assembly Point Road stormwater issues, upgrade Town Code Chapter 88: Fire Prevention and Building Construction and monitor the viability of the town’s new cannabis law.

“As to my role as a County Supervisor, I support creating a Warren County Bikeway park and parking rest area at the county-owned property at 275 Bay Road (Mullen site), airport improvements to help encourage economic development, a regional coronary and medical examination facility (making good use of the old jail building and fulfilling a serious regional need). and a Zero Waste facility that will recycle our waste.

“I advocated for the elimination of Majority and Minority positions, saving the county the additional costs associated with this creation of an unnecessary level of government. My primary County Supervisor goal, however, is to bring professionalism to the way business is conducted by the Board of Supervisors.”

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