By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor
Glens Falls’s 36th Hometown Thanksgiving Dinner, takes place Thursday, Nov. 28, at Christ Church United Methodist on Bay and Washington Streets with ongoing seatings from noon to 3 p.m. It’s free, no reservations required.

The event was founded in 1984 with the intent to bring people together. Volunteers are available to provide transportation for those in the Glens Falls, Queensbury, Hudson Falls and South Glens Falls area who couldn’t otherwise attend.
Home delivery is also available.
Call with questions, to make a donation, to volunteer, to get a ride to the dinner or receive home delivery (available even as late as the day of the event): Meg at 518-232-8896, or email to
On the menu: Turkey and fixings, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy and dinner rolls, beverages and “yummy desserts.”
Entertainment in the main dining room is by Mike Williams. Al & Kathy Bain play music in the hospitality room for those waiting to be seated.
Last year 1,300 meals were served or delivered. Organizers said they expect to serve between 1,300 and 1,500 this year.
The committee says it bought 70 turkeys. SUNY Adirondack’s Culinary School cooked 32; Southern Adirondack BOCES students cooked 38. Several additional turkey donations will be cooked this week.
Volunteers are still welcome — to help set up and cook on the day before the dinner, and to help with cleanup afterwards.
Cash donations are still welcome. Call to ask about food donations.
Argyle and surrounding communities’ 26th annual F.E.A.S.T. Community Thanksgiving Day dinner has seatings at 12:30 and 2 p.m. at the Argyle Firehouse on Route 40. “F.E.A.S.T.” stands for Friends Ensuring A Super Thanksgiving.
There is no charge for the dinner, but reservations are appreciated. Call Patty Hammond at 518-638-8362. Note that this is a new contact person.
Delivery is available (call ahead).
The traditional roast turkey dinner includes dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, coleslaw, corn, butternut squash, rolls, beverages, homemade pies.
They typically serve and deliver about 400 dinners, said Kaaren Evens. “We will end up serving 30 turkeys” as well as a dozen 20-pound breasts.
The committee and volunteers prepare 10 of the turkeys, Ms. Evens said, “five of which are donated by Tim Havens of Falls Farm & Garden Equipment, the other five purchased by F.E.A.S.T., and the 12 breasts, donated by John Weber of Ye Old Fort Diner. The other 20 turkeys are donated, prepared and delivered by the Fort Edward Fire Department.”
“People can still donate and/or volunteer!” said Ms. Evens. To volunteer, call Betsy at 518-638-8817. To donate, call Kaaren at 518-638-8667.
Chingachgook T-day dinner is sold out
YMCA Camp Chingachgook’s annual Thanksgiving dinner at Pilot Knob on Lake George is already sold out, with a long waiting list, they tell us.
The dinner — $22 for adults, and “pay your age” for children 11 & younger — offers a buffet of roast turkey, baked ham, fixings, vegetarian dishes, pies and other desserts, with seatings at 1 and 3:30 p.m. Info: 656-9462.
Camp personnel said families typically arrive early or stay after their meal to hike the trails, play basketball or watch football in the lounge.
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