Chronicle Managing Editor Cathy DeDe writes: Two notable benefits in the works this weekend. Find many more elsewhere in this issue and in our Chronicle Calendar.
Meanwhile, a trio of stand-up comedians are putting on “An evening of dinner and comedy for our ‘Funny Valentine’ Jodi Weiner,” and her husband and fellow comedian Vinnie Mark.

It’s Friday, Feb. 14, at Hiland Park Country Club in Queensbury. Dinner buffet at 6:30 p.m., show at 8:30. On the bill” Mike Speirs, Scott Baker and Mr. Mark, “plus special guests.” Tix: $55. Info and reservations: 793-2000, on, or email to
Friend and fellow comedian Scott Baker shared their story on a Go Fund Me page that has raised $5,600 of a $7,500 goal.
In April 2016, Ms. Weiner was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, which was followed by breast cancer. “After multiple surgeries, aggressive and intense chemotherapy and radiation, she is managing to stay ahead of both terrible cancers.
However, after aggressive treatment, he said, she also required two knee replacements. Then, in February 2019, a pipe burst in their house while Jodi was recovering, creating more stress, he said.
Most recently, while recovering from her second knee replacement Jodi slipped and broke her femur, requiring emergency trauma surgery. She is now bed-ridden for three months, and Vinnie is mostly unable to work, caring for her, “24/7.”
Mr. Baker wrote, “In our line of no pension no benefits no guarantee of work, we should try and help our own….”
Tribute to a Hero is a concert and fund-raiser celebrating the 15th “alive date” of Marine Sgt. Eddie Ryan (Ret.) and his family on Saturday, Feb. 15, at 8 p.m. at the Charles R. Wood Theater in Glens Falls.
“It’s going to be a star-spangled event,” says organizer Dan Daniels, a friend of the family.
“Albany City Pipe and Drum is coming up, Chuck Kelsey, and the main act is a modern country band that will play patriotic music.”
That’s Tink Bennett and Tailor Made Band, out of Cortland, N.Y. Online, they tout their “awesome high energy live entertainment for all occasions.”
Tickets cost $55, or $45 each for groups of four or more.
Proceeds support ongoing care beyond Veterans’ benefits required for Sgt. Ryan, who suffered a traumatic brain injury 15 years ago during his third deployment to Iraq, when he was shot twice in the head.
He wasn’t expected to survive, Mr. Daniels, relates, calling him “the Miracle Marine,” He says, “I figured this was a good a time as ever. Here’s a hero who needs a little help.”
Sgt. Ryan is cared for by his parents, Chris and Angie. Mr. Daniels says, “They still have a lot of out of pocket expenses.”
Tix: 480-4878 or at
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