Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Warren Co. chief: Apex is coming; it’s crucial to stay home & isolate

By Ryan Moore, Warren County Administrator

If you hear no other message in these unprecedented, worrisome times, hear this.

Like never before in our history, the health of our community is in your hands. You. As a member of this community reading this article. The apex is coming and we must shift our mindsets.

Every person must take responsibility and change your behavior in order to protect the health and safety of others.

It is critically important to stay home and isolate from others if you are symptomatic.

Your new assumption must be that if you are sick, you have the Coronavirus. Stay home, take care of yourself, and you will recover. If you are too sick to stay home and you need hospitalization, our hospitals can and will accommodate you.

If you have been in close proximity to somebody who believes they have the virus, the safest thing to do is stay home, and stay away from others. Relax and monitor yourself for symptoms.

If you are well, it is critically important to stay away from those who are sick. Keep your distance from people in public even if they look healthy. Practice good personal health habits. Visit the CDC or NYSDOH websites and read their tips on what to do to keep yourself safe.

There is a very simple rule of thumb: stay home. Unless it’s necessary to leave, stay home. Try to relax and spend time with your family.

Please ask yourself a question. Do I have a loved one who depends on me to take care of them? That could be a child, a parent or grandparent, or a family member with a health condition. Think about that person. You need to keep yourself healthy so you can be there for that person.

Also ask yourself this question: if I get sick and need to go to the hospital, how many doctors and nurses could I infect? And what does that mean for their ability to take care of others who need them?

Most people with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and will recover at home. Those with more severe symptoms or with underlying medical conditions should seek medical advice and attention. First responders and healthcare workers will help you. They know how to keep themselves safe from the virus. Call us. We are here for you; we will help you.

When we defeat this virus, we will come back with a bang. Our staff is already formulating ideas and plans to do so. We will be there for you when that very bright day finally dawns.

Copyright © 2020 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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