Warren County: Should we ban fireworks sale?

“The Warren County Board of Supervisors wants to hear your opinions about the Warren County law that allows sales and use of certain types of fireworks within the county,” said a county press release.

“Those who have opinions about the law, either pro or con, can email their comments to warrencountystrong@warrencountyny.gov for presentation to the Board of Supervisors.”

The release said, “The Board of Supervisors adopted a county law in 2015 that allows the sale of sparklers, fountains and some other types of fireworks (see link to state law here) during certain times of the year. While only sold during certain time periods, they can be used all year long…

“Lake George Supervisor Dennis Dickinson, who opposed passing of the law in 2015, said he has requested that it be repealed because the cons strongly outweigh the pros. He said injuries are occurring annually, noise complaints are frequent and the pop-up stands that sell the devices are unattractive….”

Rachel Seeber, Warren County Board chair, was quoted: “We have gotten complaints by the hundreds, as veterans and those who have pets have let us know that these devices are having a negative impact around the county.”

The release noted, “County Emergency Services Director Ann Marie Mason said July 4th, the day fireworks are most heavily used, is the day with the highest number of pet runaway complaints of the year.”

“The Board of Supervisors Governmental Operations Advocacy plans to discuss in further detail the impact of this law in our community at its next meeting on August 23rd…” the release said.

“Eleven counties in New York do not allow fireworks sales. Albany County…opted into the law that allows fireworks sales in 2016, but repealing it in 2020 amid safety concerns and rising complaints.”

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