Washington County Fair starts Monday

By Hannah Hughes, Chronicle Summer Staff

The 133rd Washington County Fair opens Monday, Aug. 21, and continues through Sunday, Aug. 27, at the County Fairgrounds on Route 29, “Old Schuylerville Road,” outside Greenwich.

4-H, kids and animals, carnival midway, Demolition Derby and Tractor Pulls, nine new food options; The Big Push Calf Birth; comedy, magic, juggling — and plenty more.

“There’s quite a bit of excitement going on at the fair. We’re really looking forward to having a great week,” said Rebecca Breese, co-manager of the Washington County Fairgrounds.

“It’s really going to be a fun and exciting week,” said Ms. Breese. “We hope you come and join us.”

Here are some new things, and old, you won’t want to miss at this year’s fair!

For fair food lovers, there are nine new items on the menu: Mexican Street Corn Pizza, Southwest Eggroll, Pumpkin Patch ice cream by Polar Bear Ice Cream, Fried Cheese Curds, French Fries with Cheese Curds, Fried Dough with creamy maple butter or with bacon and hot honey, Pulled Pork Baked potato, and Crêpes with Nutella, Bananas & Strawberries.

Fairgoers may vote for their favorite new food offerings by scanning QR codes at the food booths. The winner will be announced on Sunday, Aug. 27.

The Demolition Derby this year adds a new class for theme-decorated cars — “Favorite Tractor” on Monday, Aug. 21, and “Cow Look-Alike,” Sunday, Aug. 27.

This year’s demolition derby will include classes for theme-decorated cars. File photos/Cathy DeDe
Also new this year, a Mullet and Beard contest on Saturday, Aug. 26, “has attracted a lot of attention,” Ms. Breese said.

As always at this traditional agricultural fair, there will be opportunities to see lots of animals, including poultry, rabbits, horses, sheep and goats — as well as dairy and beef cows.

Dozens of events are planned each day for 4-H Youths, Future Farmers of America and adults to show their animals.

Contests and competitions for animals and their owners include best dressed goats and calves, rooster crowing contests, a wool spinning contest, and more.

“Hot Dog” Pig Races occur daily at noon, 4, 6, and 7:30 p.m. on “Bluebird Road” on the fairgrounds, and “Niagara Downunder,” a unique petting zoo, will be at the fair all week on Memory Lane.

Sunday, Aug. 27, catch the Fleece To Shawl event, where you can see the process of raw fleece be turned into clothing.

The Big Push returns for the fourth year, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 26 and 27, all day. Six cows, ready to give birth, will be on view in the “Birthing Center,” where fairgoers of all ages may observe, first-hand, “the beauty of new life that farmers get to see on their farms.”

Veterinarians will discuss what’s happening, and displays in the center will show how cows are raised and cared for by area dairy farmers.

Entertainment this year “is especially great,” Ms. Breese said, “with a lot of brand new acts.” On stage: Pirate Man Dan, Michael Goudeau The Comedic Juggler, and magician Jay Mattioli daily.

Agriculture is still central at the County Fair.

Nightly live music is by Catalyst Quartet, Kevin Warren and The Bedrock Foundation, Craic Agus Ceol, Wail-On, Skeeter Creek, Big Sky Country, and more.

Again this year, local amateurs will show their stuff in the ‘Our Region’s Got Talent’ contest on Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Main Entertainment Tent.

Wine, cider, beer and spirits will be available Tuesday through Saturday. Samples will be available in the County Bounty Building beginning at noon, with sales by the glass in the Craft Beverage Corral starting at 4 p.m.

Special events for kids include Library Storytimes on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in front of the Caboose, with a reading and author signing of Princess Evalyn’s Magical Cows next Sunday at noon in the Ag Center.

Again this year, the annual Bike Giveaway and Raffle are Tuesday and Thursday, during Children’s Days.

This year there’s a Parade of Youth, honoring all young people involved with the fair, on Sunday, Aug. 27, at noon.

The CTE BOCES Tent offers demonstrations and displays on their Auto Body, Culinary Arts, Education, Conservation, Employment and other offerings.

Special food events: The traditional Great Cookie Giveaway on Monday, opening night, and a pie eating contest on Friday, Aug. 25.

Full schedule and details on Facebook and the Washington County Fair website.

Fair details: Tix, hours, other specs

Monday to Sunday, Aug. 21 to 27, at the Washington County Fairgrounds on Route 29, west of Greenwich. Full schedule, tickets and details: washingtoncountyfair.com. Also see The Chronicle calendar.

Gate Hours
Monday, 5 to 10 p.m.
Tuesday to Saturday, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.
Sunday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Admission and Special Days
Fair admission: $15, free for ages 13 and younger and for active military members with ID. Full-week pass: $45.
Opening Day, Monday, Aug. 21. Opening ceremony at 5 p.m. Annual Cookie Give-away.
Military Appreciation Day, Tuesday, Aug. 22. $7 admission for all military and veterans. Ceremonys in the Main Entertainment Tent at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Also Tuesday: Carnival Fun Day. $25 for unlimited rides, noon to 11 p.m.
Senior Day, Wednesday, Aug. 23. $7 admission for ages 62 and over. Also, “Think Differently,” Carnival attractions open an hour early, at 11 a.m., with NO sounds or lights, for those with sensitivities.
Children’s Day, Thursday, Aug. 24. High School age and under admitted free.

All ride costs reduced by one ticket.
Career and Technical Education Day, Friday, August 25. Also: $25 unlimited carnival rides from noon to 11 p.m.
Family Fun Day, Sunday, Aug. 27. $25 unlimited rides from noon to 9 p.m. Also today: Youth Livestock Auction. 6 p.m. preview, 6:30 p.m. sale.
Parking is free. Shuttles available.
Accessibility: Southern Adirondack Independent Living (SAIL) offers a limited number of wheelchairs on a first-come first-serve basis. Service dogs as defined by the ADA are allowed. No other pets.

Grandstand sports

This week’s Grandstand events:
Demolition Derby, Monday, Aug. 21, at 7 p.m. Decorated Car contest: “Favorite Tractor.”
Rodeo, Tuesday, Aug. 22, at 4 and 7 p.m.
Garden Tractor Pull, Wednesday, Aug. 23, at 8 a.m.
4-Wheel Drive Diesel Truck Pull, Wednesday, Aug. 23, at 6 p.m.
Antique Tractor Pull, Thursday, Aug. 24, at 8 a.m.
4-Wheel Drive Truck Pull, Thursday, Aug. 24, at 6 p.m.

Copyright © 2023 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved

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