Wednesday, March 12, 2025

What a night in Hudson Falls!

Chronicle Managing Editor Cathy DeDe reports: It was yet another one of those nights at the Strand Theater in Hudson Falls where literal strangers were grabbing me like old friends to exclaim, “Only in Hudson Falls!” Director Jonathan Newell and team were ear-to-ear excited.

Cool special effects — Does it reproduce here? Blasts from the fog machine even got a rise from the TR3 artists. Can you see the grins? They seemed genuinely excited.

Tim Reynolds, lead guitarist of the Dave Matthews Band, is a massively talented artist, though his semi-trippy blend of funk, rock and jamz might at moments have lost a less willing audience.

He spoke few words. Small and muscular, bent into the guitar and with an air of contained mischief, he reminded me of a Dr. Seuss character.

Dave Matthews lead guitarist Tim Reynolds, above, brought his rock-funk-fusion band TR3 to the Strand in Hudson Falls for a sold out show on Saturday, Jan. 22. Chronicle photos/Cathy DeDe

His TR3 trio threw us a few bones — The Doors’ “Riders on the Storm” was drew a roar from its first notes; David Bowie’s “Rebel Rebel” had the fans out of their seats. They were equally enthusiastic about the trippy, impossibly otherworldly guitar riffs on new songs from TR3’s new album, Wild in the Sky, Trio members Mick Vaughn on bass was the most chatty on stage; Don Martier just huge on drums. Fans threw Strand logo’d hats onto the stage and all three of TR3 put them on for the finale.

Theyencored with a heart-breaking instrumental ballad featuring acoustic guitar. Reynolds hit the e-loop machine and waved goodbye with a zen salute. Mick followed, leaving Don to play us out over the recorded guitar. When he was done…too waved of the stage. A roadie slunk over and snapped off the looper with one finger. Plink. Concert over. Brilliant.

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