Why no birds at their feeders?

To the Editor:

I am responding to Irene Taylor’s inquiry as to whether other readers have noticed very few birds at their feeders. My seed and suet feeders haven’t needed much filling since September due to so few “customers,” and I find this disturbing. I have a federal license to rehabilitate injured o many calls from the North Country Wild Care hotline over the spring and summer months. While many birds have migrated in recent weeks, there normally would be more of our local birds such as chickadees, titmice, woodpeckers, cardinals, etc. at my feeders with the start of colder weather.

Irene didn’t mention where she lives, but I am in Bolton Landing. I also wonder if other readers have made similar observations.

Thank you.
— Lainie Angel, Bolton Landing

To the Editor:

We agree with Irene Taylor (Oct 12-18). We also have had hardly any birds this summer mostly blue jays only. Also we noted fewer squirrels and chipmunks, which is ok with us. But we sure do miss the birds on our feeders. We would like to know why?

— M & SA Cutts, Moreau

Irene Taylor of Fort Ann wrote:

In the past 5-6 weeks we have had virtually no birds at our feeders — very different from usual. Not sure what the cause is — weather, climate issues, the mining behind us? Maybe other readers have noticed something similar.

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