Chronicle Manging Editor Cathy DeDe writes: Wood Theater, full glory. Filled stage with local talent, packed seats with ardent audience
For the first time since the pandemic hit, a show nearly filled every one of the Wood Theater’s 299 seats. “Bent Broadway” on Friday, Sept. 24, clocked in at 230 ticket holders, Wood director Emily Murphy reports. It’s the first time a show has even come close since March 2020, Ms. Murphy said. And what a deserving crew: 14 known and unknown singers came out of the woodwork to pour out their hearts with remarkable talent, some for the very first time on stage, a truly shared moments from all sides. This observer was brought to tears of joy.
Beverly Seinberg — At first seeming unassuming, she vamped “Honeybun” from South Pacific. Chronicle photos/Cathy DeDeMargaret Warrington, nuance and elan on a song from Thoroughly Modern Millie.